Pembuatan Konten Digital melalui Aplikasi Canva dan Capcut sebagai Penunjang Kegiatan Promosi Toko Kelontong di Kecamatan Kenjeran, Kota Surabaya
MSME, Digital Marketing, Canva, CapcutAbstract
Efforts to increase competitiveness and utilize resources for promotions in grocery stores effectively have found obstacles in their implementation, one of which is that the average business actor is old, which makes it difficult for the use of technology to become a more optimal marketing effort so that templates can be used as one. one solution to make it easier for business actors to create marketing supporting content. The partner for this mentoring activity is Mrs. Listiyaningsih, owner of the Liszsa2 grocery store in Bulak Banteng Village, Kenjeran District, Surabaya City. The mentoring method is carried out through 3 stages, namely problem identification, implementation and evaluation and maintenance. As a result, business actors can confidently market their goods and expand their consumer reach.
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