Dampak Kepemimpinan Dan Ketaatan Dalam Pekerjaan Terhadap Kinerja Para Caddie


  • Azzahra Maulida




Leadership, Obedience at Work, Performance, Caddie, Golf Course


This study aims to investigate the impact of leadership and the level of obedience in work on the performance of caddies on the golf course. Through a quantitative approach, data was collected from caddies and regression analysis was used to relate the relationship between the independent variables (leadership and obedience in work) and the dependent variable (caddie performance). The results show that a motivating leadership style and a high level of obedience make a positive contribution to caddy performance. Managerial implications and recommendations for further research are discussed.


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How to Cite

Azzahra Maulida. (2024). Dampak Kepemimpinan Dan Ketaatan Dalam Pekerjaan Terhadap Kinerja Para Caddie. Jurnal Bisnis Inovatif Dan Digital, 1(1), 01–12. https://doi.org/10.61132/jubid.v1i1.16